Altered Ego runs on 91% alterations and repairs, 4% classes and private lessons, 4% custom sewing work, 1% merchandise. That being said, it was a real treat getting to do custom work with gorgeous wool and silk like this to create a Coco Chanel inspired jacket.
You may think at first glance, “what a great, simple jacket! I bet it only takes a few hours to make!” Let us start our maiden blog voyage by letting you know that there are not many garments that can be made in under five hours. Even something as simple as a knit shirt can take thirty minutes to mark and cut, 3o minutes to sew, and then 30 minutes to finish the raw edges. Unless you have an assembly line, making clothing isn’t fast and often, it isn’t easy either. It is however, very rewarding and a lot of fun once you have basic construction skills.
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